Thursday, 31 January 2008
Month End Madness
Fuse is short, temper flares, late nights (or should I say very early mornings) in office / at home but still working on the laptop (so don't be fooled that you're more important when you have a laptop - it just means you need to log on from home after office hours) & before we know it, we're nearing the next month end closing & the whole "vicious cycle" starts again.
At times like this that people begin to fantasize of their dream job. Some of the ones that I collected along the way amongst my Finance pals are :
1. Spa with padicure & medicure services
2. Kindergarten
3. Secret Recipe outlet
4. McDonalds outlet
5. Housewife (lazy bums... - including myself :-p )
6. Producer, script-writer & director of a sitcom on Accountants (hmm...)
but the most outrageous of all should go to...
7. Developing adult diapers that is more trendy, less bulky & looks more like a lingerie than a diaper; apply for a patent & approach one of the big baby diaper company to produce in bulk for us to market in a high-end lingerie boutique... Would also work for mum-to-be's who can't control their bladder towards the end of their pregnancy. (Note: This is a collective result of ideas by a group of lunch partners lamenting their lack of "life")
So, as you can imagine, in our midst of stress & tension, we still managed to milk our crative juices to de-stress ourselves... :-p
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Umbrella or your life! ?
After a therapeutic lunch session filled with gossiping & bitching about others, we happily walked back only to discover that our dear Ms Storm has resolutely remembered to carry her umbrella (the all important protection against the sun) but accidentally left her purse behind!
The rest of us started to wonder if her umbrella is more important than her purse!
But I have another view of this...
Imagine a street thug were to aproach her with a knife & threatens "Umbrella or your LIFE!"
Pop Quiz... which would Storm pick?
Better still, would she risk damaging her umbrella in self defense?
Sorry Storm... I know it's under the taekwondo black belt of yours but can't help it... :-p
Monday Blues on a Tuesday
I should feel like the Polar Bear yesterday, but the "Monday Blues" only started to kick in today (Tuesday). I belief my colleagues are also feeling the same. sshhhh... **wink** **wink**
I'm thankful for my God-sent team though... For without them, I would have gone mad. We're an all girls team; each & everyone of us has characters as colourful, creative & quirky as can be. Though it is not uncommon, but we have given each other nicknames that we'd love to tease each other at odd hours (sometimes in Facebook - our # 1 past-time besides family) & the names change with the season so that it continues to be "fresh". Introducing the all girls team, starting from the new joiner (aka young ciku) to the oldest... oppss... longest in the dept (old ciku?) - but to "protect" their super-identity, only initials are provided (to those in the know, you know who you are) :
RHI aka gangster (thanks to CML for voting her in superlatives)
ST aka road bully (thanks to CML again in describing her driving feats)
BHF aka Facebook bully (from the feedbacks I got from fellow Facebook-er when I attack their pirate ship & steal all their coins / fight with their Vampire, Werewolf & Zombies muahahaha...)
CML aka Storm (because she had the misguided impression that a storm is "calm & collected" & she wants to potray that image to others...) & because of her choice of name, her poor boyfriend were identified by the team as Wolverine!
KT aka the black horse (don't be fooled by her unassuming exterior; wait till you get the lash of her tongue...)
and in the whole "Kingdom", it wouldn't be complete without our share of baddies. One that pops in mind is a fellow we named Voldy (short for Voldermort). By the name given, I belief you can imagine the level of "evilness" that radiates from the chap.
ok... More news after the break...
Monday, 28 January 2008
CNY Mood
I can't belief CNY is just next week! I used to love CNYs... Well, who wouldn't when you get to collect many angpows, stuff yourself silly with peanut cookies (now you know why dieting / slimming programmes can never work for me) & shopping for new clothes...
Now, the thought of it sends shivers of despair... (see what I mean by being overboard with the literature thing... who would want to read a book with such descriptions...)
It's not the thought of 'bleeding' RMs when distributing the angpows that scares me... It's not even the fear of the rich-buttery-crumbling peanut cookies on my waistline (what waistline)... It's the fear of facing the ultimate Fear-Factor-worthy question of........
So, when is the little un' coming?... You're not getting any younger you know...
It'll then be followed by
You know, technology is so advanced this days, you can easily get a test-tube baby done
Hmm... How clinical... Takes away all the sizzles in your sex life during the whole celebration period as surely as a bucket of ice!
......... Intermission ................. My excel is alive again...
Meanwhile an 'interesting' pix forwarded to me from a fren....

Plead of Temporary Insanity
1. visit a slimming centre without 'chicken'-ing out
2. have my hair permed (I'm bored of my rebonded hair-do)
I had the car to my full disposal & all the time in the world this weekend...
We started with a trip to The Gardens - Midvalley where there were at least 3 - 5 slimming centres to pick from. We headed straight to Teppanyaki for dinner (since it was already 5+pm), then we're supposed to shop for some CNY stuff before heading for my 'slimming session'. Then again, we ended up shopping DVDs for about an hour, caught up selecting pants for dear hubby... the point is, I think subconsciously I've been trying to avoid the 'slimming session'...
As much as I would like to have a "fuss-free, pain-less, effort-less" slimming treatment, I think somewhere in the recess of my mind I pretty much doubt the effectiveness of the so-called "fuss-free, pain-less, effort-less" slimming treatments.
Verdict : Mission 1 abandoned
Sunday came with moments of self-doubt. Do I really want to perm / curl my hair? The temporary curls I did for LSC Annual Dinner looks good, but I hated the stiff feeling of the perm. Maybe it was just the hairspray, but then again... So I ended up doing house chores / playing Facebook... procrastinating... and after lunch I just "don't feel like it" anymore... (or so that's what I told my hubby) sigh...
Verdict : Mission 2 abandoned (as well...)
Not surprising I'm a gemini... Or could I just plead a temporary lapse of sanity when I made that mission? We'll see...