Monday, 21 March 2011

Happenings in 2010

Since I did not blog for the whole of 2010, here's some catch up on the happenings in 2010:
1) Another CNY with no baby in sight. It's getting more & more difficult especially when bump into insensitive relatives. The most difficult this year was of a distant cousin of my mother-in-law who initially tried to match make her daughter with hubby but it didn't materialize. The daughter married a few years after us & got a baby daughter soon after; with another bun in the oven (boasted to be a boy). She was so smug about her daughter having 2 kids already despite marrying later than my hubby & looked at me in disdain when she asked how come I've not had any yet & the fact that I'm not young anymore... That #@%$#*&!!

2) My maternal grandma passed away after 2010 CNY at the ripe age of 84. It was expected because she was diagnosed with cancer some time back, but her passing was still hard. She was so strong in comparison to her peers of the same age, that it never crosses my mind she'll leave so soon. I always marveled at her strength, dexterity (imagine a full squat & standing up without aid at her age!) & most importantly she can eat anything without "pantang". Most Asian old folks I know will shun foods like duck (aggravates rheumatism), cabbage (wind), iced drinks / cold food (cold), coffee (insomnia), cucumber (cold), yam (skin itch), prawns & eggs (cholesterol) etc. Not my grandma. She takes all of them & more. I was shocked when she even ate coleslaw (a definite no-no for others)!

3) 6th Jun - historic day where the doc took the first scan of baby. At that time he was just a black circle on the scan (refer to previous post for pix of scan). I wanted to shout out to that rude woman in (1), but what's the use... She'll just say, well good for you, but my son who just got married last year is already expecting a son soon... So? You're still very late in delivering your "KPI"... sigh... Save my strength for the coming baby!

At first, time seem to drag so slowly... Especially when waiting to:

a) know if it's a boy or a girl (that took forever!!) - though I don't mind if it's a boy / a girl cos' being my first, I'm happy just to have a healthy baby; but hubby's family is anxious for a grandson. I told my friends, if it's a girl, I'll tell my mum-in-law, don't blame the "postman" (or in this case woman). I just deliver... your son determines the sex! ;-)

b) get the results of my blood test & baby's scans to determine if he's healthy

After that? It just zooms past so fast that I was "sorry" when it was time to head for the delivery room!! Maybe because I had such a good & smooth pregnancy with none of the morning sickness etc etc, I just love being pregnant! Especially to feel every kick, knee-jerks, elbow-jerks and even the somersaults! At first I was anticipating a very uncomfortable last month where mothers normally complaint to me as being among the difficult months because the baby is so huge that you can hardly sleep... Well, I admit he did kick me a lot, but when I talked to him and asked him to be a good boy & let mummy sleep at night, the kicks stopped!! ... but continued again bright and early the next morning.

Finally baby was born on 11th January 2011 at 10+am. Weighing at 3.25kg. Here's his first pix after coming out of the delivery room:

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Updates After 1 Year MIA

I was Missing In Action for more than 1 year now. Those who follow my blog may be wondering what's going on? Well, in summary:

Firstly, I went for a minor op towards the end of January 2010 (Ovarian drilling to treat PCOS - Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I ended up being on MC for 10-days.

After recovering from the op & hectic CNY period, hubby & I continued our effort to have a baby. Every month that my menses arrived, I was crushed yet again (despite the fact that the operation has helped me to stay off hormone pills & as a result I lost quite a bit of weight).

Then I suddenly found out that my gmail was barred & so was my blog! I can't access them at all! The strangest thing of all, I keep getting notifications of comments posted on my blog; which worryingly are advertising sex sites, but I can't access the blog at all. I was so unhappy cos' there were so many posts that recorded stuff I wanted to remember & I'm losing all of them! What's worse my friends may be wondering what's with all the sexual comments / sex sites recommendations. I'd like to declare here and now that I have no idea how that was posted & in no way do I condone to lewd postings made under my name / in this blog in 2010.

Then... in late May 2010, I was late by 4-days! I was hopeful & ecstatic! I immediately called my gynae to arrange for a visit, but was told to calm down & wait until I was late by 7-8 days. On the 5th day, I had some spotting & I almost cried in the office toilet cubicle when I saw it. I was a zombie for the rest of the day as the now familiar disappointment came crashing down. Surprisingly the next day the spotting stopped. I dare not place too much hope again for fear of greater disappointment, so I tried to maintain "coolness", but you can't imagine how agonizingly slow it was, waiting for another 2-days to reach the 8th day before I see the doc.

On the morning of the 8th day (it was a Saturday), 6am... I immediately rushed to the toilet, a pregnancy test kit in one hand and the manual in the other - being read & re-read to ensure I got it right. Then the obligatory wait for the strip to indicate the disappointing 1-line or dare I hope that it'll show 2 lines? The control line appeared... then... then... then...

OMG! OMG! OMG! YES! YES! YES! I have 2 lines!!!! "Babe! It's positive!!", I practically shouted at my husband who was still fast asleep. I can't belief my eyes & shoved the stick under his nose to confirm (regardless that it just got dipped in you-know-what). He opened half an eye & said "Hmm... yea there's 2 lines..." & promptly went back to sleep! Huh! How anti-climatic.

I immediately hyper-ventilated & shoved my hubby awake to quickly send me to the gynae's clinic to confirm ASAP! Now! Pronto! I need a professional confirmation or I'll go crazy! (notice how many exclamation marks I've used so far? But that was really how I felt & the scene that historic day on 6th June 2010). We arrived at the clinic at 8am but she's only open at 9, and hubby was giving me the look that says "I told you we're early"... hehe... thinking back again, it was rather comical...

As I waited for my turn to see doc, I was so nervous & worried. All the doc's previous warnings that I have higher chance of ectopic pregnancy even if I do get pregnant kept coming into mind. When I finally met the doc, she laughed that I'm too excited & it's still early days for a scan. Of which I justified that I just wanted to confirm that the embryo is safely in the right place. So, she scanned me & this is what we saw:
Don't know what you're seeing? See that perfect circle surrounded by an oval black space to our left? That's the start of a life inside me! That's our baby! That was the most beautiful picture I've ever seen & my eyes filled with tears & felt a huge lump in my throat that I can't say anything but nod / shake my head to the doc's questions / explanations. The embryo has safely made its way down the fallopian tube! What a relieve!

The rest of the year 2010 was then filled with nurturing this little being that I didn't even bother to check if my blog is unbarred until now... I'm so happy I have access to my blog back. I'll update my journey to motherhood throughout 2010 in my subsequent posts & also updates on my baby now. They may not be chronological order since I'm catching up on 1-year's worth of news in this blog, but who cares! :)

Love, new mommy...