Friday, 3 October 2008

P.S. I Love You

I recently read this book called P.S. I Love You. Have always wanted to read it from the great reviews I heard of it, but looking at the synopsis, it didn't sound tht enthralling. Boy was I wrong! It was among the most emotional / touching book I've read.

The funny thing was, I keep hugging my hubby after every single note tht ended with P.S. I Love You, tht he gave me the wht's-wrong-wif-u look.

The gist of the story is tht there's a couple called Gerry & Holly. Gerry is diagnosed with brain tumor & died. As Holly was still in great depression after his death, she found a parcel from Gerry to her & in this parcels there are 10 envelopes - 1 for each month (he died in Feb, so it's for the balance of the mths before the year ends). The rule of the game is she can only open the envelope on the allocated mth. Each envelope has a short message asking her to do something tht will - help her get through her grief / reach out for her friends & family again / find a job to occupy her time / enrich her life / an all expense paid trip for Holly & her friends! etc-etc... but they all ends with P.S. I Love You - which is so touching.

So to explain my "hugging actions" to my hubby I told him the story & said I can understand how the heroine feels... I can't bear thinking of such tragedy befalling us! It makes me wanna cry thinking how horrible it must be to go through wht Holly had to go through. Sigh.... but.... ever the realist, my hubby said "So... you're thinking I'll die soon / first ah... & you want me to write to you tht notes."

Rolling my eyes, I tell myself... why did I even bother telling this man who gives me chrysanthemums (the ones you bring to the Chinese graves) as a gift!

Tried promoting it to Storm but she can't appreciate it as well. In her words "the heroinne is crying & whining all the time; it's nerve grating!" Hmm... Isn't tht a normal reaction to death especially for someone so close?

Oh well... I still love it anyway & it reminds me to never take for granted tht our loved-ones know of our feelings without expressing... Reminds me to say "I Love You" more often to ppl tht matters. Reminds me to be more patient if my hubby is taking hours to get ready / is such a sound sleeper tht I have to create an "earthquake" to wake him up / is slow to figure out wht pisses me off (men!). After all, he was patient with my "lousy" cooking (always not as good as mummy's... an impossible yardstick to match up to... Imagine - "my mum fried eggs differently & it somehow tastes better" duh...), my craze for books (even reading over dinner), my chocoholic cravings, my building shoe collection & my craze over L'Occitane products.

So bibi dearest... Have I told you today? P.S. I Love you... :-)


michelleho said...

Aiks! Didya watch the movie? The main actress was played by Hilary Swank. Story's nice but I think Swank was not very suitable to play the role... mostly coz I keep imagining her playing more macho roles... Hehehe... Watch it! Very teary eyed after that...

Fern said...

yalor.... when I was told the movie was acted by Hilary Swank, my eyes almost popped out. I keep imagining her in Million Dollar Baby. I can't imagine her sobbing & crying & being sentimental & making a fool of herself @ the Karaoke. Tht's just too disturbing.... :-p

Diana said...

I haven't read the book but will go and get it since you've given a great review =) Understood how you feels about 'men!'...hahahahaha...I was actually laughing till my tummy hurt reading this, thanks for cheering me up with it anyway! =D

Fern said...

yea... I have alwiz been posting jibes directed to my hubby hoping he'll get it 1 day... Not surprising it has been futile so far... Oh well...

Really shud read the book... I was laughing cos' the things they "argue" with each other is so similar... like kicking each other to get the other person to turn-off the lights! hahahaha.... Now I know it's a "universal problem" wif couples!

Anonymous said...

Girls I loved this film. It's the concept behind it that gets me - a man leaving behind something like that for his widow. If you ever wanted to do the same for real, I found this great site called, where you can save a profile all about your life and even emails to be sent out to your loved ones after you've passed away. Cool huh?