Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Bond - Ketenangan Di Dunia Penuh Kesengsaraan

The other day, the Retail team were treated to a free Premier screening of Bond: Quantum of Solace at GSC Signature @ The Gardens, when they launched the "secret" model car tht will be on sale at our Retail stations.

We were like "deer enter a village" (Malay proverb to describe someone who's awed by normal stuff - not very good @ translating. Storm, will need Mr Tee & Mr Tam's help), cos' when we found out tht the seats can recline (a bit lar), gangsta mama & I started to throw our weight against the seat & it went boing-boing-boing... hahahaha..... (fortunately Shell bao the whole cinema for this show - no other ppl to witness the "perak"-ness of these few claim execs).

Then when the movie started, Gangsta Mama, Storm & I nearly sprayed our Pepsi when we saw the Malay translation for Quantum Solace - "Ketenangan Di Dunia Penuh Kesengsaraan"! Well, if we get "lonely lady seeks company of vegetable" for subtitles in a Thai movie, this is mild in comparison I guess... But we're really amazed by the "creativity" tht went into translating tht title! The 3 of us might translate it as "Ketenangan Kuantum" / "Jumlah Ketenangan" & left it as tht.... :-)

Since we were seated in pairs, I was sitting with Gangsta Mama; while Storm was seated with a Malay guy colleague of ours (I pity him... wonder how he survived). As usual, Storm was gushing over how "manly" / "macho" / "hot" Daniel Craig is. Her fever for Craig was immediately dampened when he replied "He looks like a.... a..... what do you call the men at sea...? errr.... Nelayan (i.e. fisherman)!...."

Though after tht event, Storm tried to justify tht the colleague actually meant "Sailor", but just can't find the word for it; I highly doubt tht he made tht error... I seriously think he meant it when he said our new Bond looks like a "Nelayan". Poor Storm....

All in all, I guess we enjoyed the cinema setting more than the movie. To the Bond fanatic fans, they'll insist tht it's a continuation to the 1st Bond movie by Daniel Craig, so might be confusing for those who didn't follow the series... Still.... Can't help feeling the it didn't meet the mark.

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