Thursday, 19 February 2009

Pix @ IKEA - my Labrador was "adopted"

Both of us gals went to IKEA in search of the infamous IKEA snake for our Away Day themed dinner "Jungle Night". Sadly, was told by an IKEA staff that the snake is no longer being sold beginning 2009. Sigh...

We bump into another colleague (not in pix cos' he's the camera man). Surprise... Surprise... He was also there in search of the IKEA snake. So I guess we're not tht "original" in our jungle theme after all... :-p

Though we left without any jungle themed material, I was captivated by an adorable stuffed-toy Labrador. So that was how my Labrador was "adopted"... Here's me holding it. Any suggestions on the name to call it? I won't ask Storm cos' her dog's name is really spooky.....

1 comment:

michelleho said...

How about Slurpee? With than tongue hanging out like that imagine the saliva if he/she is real! Hahaha!