Sunday, 31 May 2009

What A Joke! Arrggghhhh!!!!!!!!!

It's really a sick joke.... So frustrating tht my hubby spent the whole of friday ranting about it. What was it about?

Well, hubby took leave on Friday & I took time off to visit the gynae as a couple to seek advise, cos' we've been trying by taking my pills, hubby taking his & counting the days tht I'm supposedly "fertile" to have a go at "planting the seeds".

Turned out, we were misinformed on several matters by a GP :
1. Hubby's count was all right & not low at all! So he was taking the pill for nothing!
2. There's no such pills tht can boost sperm counts. It can help increase those who are marginally below the minimum line, but definitely none tht can boost the count to double - tht's myth # 2
3. I was told to count day 11-17 as my most fertile period. Turned out the advise given was wrong; or rather wrong for my cycle - it's correct for those with the standard 28-30 day cycle. Since my cycle is 35days, the fertile period is calculated 14days before my next cycle. Tht means it should be between day 18-23! Sh*t.... So we have been wasting nearly half a year counting the days to "avoid" the egg rather than fertilising it!

Hubby was damn mad after knowing all this... It was fortunate tht we decided to visit the gynae despite the higher cost - & it was actually to find out about IVF; but only to find tht the only reason I'm still not pregnant was not because I can't / hubby has a problem. In fact both of us are fine (with me continuing being on the pill tht is). We were just counting the wrong days....

Jeezzzz..... Can we only trust specialists nowadays? Is the GP now only good for issuing standard antibiotics & MCs?

p/s : Was shopping with mum-in-law just now while hubby was off "nurturing hair". Got grilling again... "Why the delay? Just go for test tube lah!" sigh...... why?!?!?!......... why?!?!?! Am beginning to wonder if this desperation I'm feeling is from really wanting a baby / from fulfilling my in-law's wishes.... I know I love children, but not to the extend of it being my sole purpose of living... sigh..........

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Book Review: Switchcraft by Lowri Turner

It's about a pair of twins - Emma & Gill, now in their late thirties. They may look alike, but as much as possible they try to differentiate from each other. They love each other to bits, but they just wouldn't want to be thought as the same all the time.

Emma is married with a step-daughter "inherited" fr her husband's (Max) ex-wife (Dominique), successful, highly strung, motivated / driven to achieve her goals, love organizing things etc

Gill on the other hand is single, still looking for Mr Right, works in a bar as a waitress, unorganized, couldn't care less about being successful as long as she has constant supply of ciggies & booze. Not tht she's a drunk / chain smoker... She's just...... carefree?

Both are fed-up of their lives & decided to swap roles for 2mths. Hell broke lose went each of them found tht they like their new lives more than their previous one. All would have been fine, since Gill is more than happy to play mother hen to Emma's stepchildren (yea... plural now cos' d ex-wife dumped her son - an offspring from her affair after Max) on Emma & Max & she kinda jumped into bed with Max already. But due to some misunderstanding (on Emma's part), her fairy tale new life was not as good as she thought & wants out; when Gill wants to continue being in.

Hell broke loose when Emma publicly denounced Gill & exposed the ruse in front of their parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was a jumble of confusion after tht; which was actually quite hillarious.

Verdict: The start was really boring as you plod through the whining & complaining of each of their lives... It starts to get interesting after the switch. Entertaining from then on.

Introducing Fernzy

It's crazy, I'm already abandoning this blog sometimes.... & here I am creating another blog! It's called "Fernzy Writes". No articles yet, but I hope I can fill it up with any writing inspirations I have - either completed or just scribbles of ideas / nonsense to be crafted in a story later.

See how it goes lar... But right now, am not sure if it's going to be filled at all after the 1 & only post I just posted a few minutes ago...

Will update when Fernzy is active.... :-p

Book Review: To Sir Philip With Love by Julia Quinn

Sadly, I have read the last of the 3 books by Julia Quinn tht I bought. A good light read after work when you don't want to have to plough through complex story lines / characters.

This book started with the narration about Sir Philip & his relationship with his wife (Marina), children with a hint of his past (tht caused his behaviour pattern - i.e. avoiding his twin - a son & a daughter). Marina suffered from post-partum blues (or at least I "diagnosed" her behaviour as tht) & after much melancholic-self-confinement in her room, she attempted to commit suicide, but was saved by Philip. She finally died without a fight after suffering fr fever - probably from cold.

Eloise , the 5th child of the Bridgerton brood, came into the picture when she sends her condolence to Sir Philip. Turns out, she's Marina's distant cousin. The first note ended being a year long correspondence; which resulted in :
a) Sir Philip, wanting someone to mother his kids & thinking tht Eloise is a dowdy ol' spinster (tht was the only reason she's not married right?); offered a proposal in his last letter & for her to visit him (to get to know him better of course). She's labelled as a spinster at the age of 28! (but tht was during the time when it was normal to marry at 18-19).
b) Eloise, being miserable when her "fellow-spinster" got married to her own brother - Collin! (well tht's another story I'll go out & get), agreed.

She went to meet Sir Philip. Was disappointed at first with what she found about him (she was expecting a different version of handsome). A bit of arguments, debates, "sneak-counter-attack" with the twins who dispised her at first. Lastly, with a bit of "help" from her brothers, got married to Sir Philip.

Of course there's more meat to the last paragraph, but to put tht down would be almost writing the whole book out.... Overall a nice read.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

KTMB - Best Operator?

Errr..... Am I the only one complaining about the komuter's services? Goodness! If the current service can earn the the best operator, I dare not imagine the worse alternative!

Granted, the timing has improved a lot. It's more punctual now / maybe they (the komuter management I mean) are clever enough not to display the timing at all. So you'll not know it's late. It's still far from being the best train operator though....

This evening for example witnesses the many areas tht needed improvement :
1) I missed 1 train because it's just too jammed pack with ppl

2) 2nd train came & I was practically "carried" into the train by the crowd of "over-eager" commuters. Can't blame them for their "Kiasu-ism" / lack of patience - if they miss this 1, tht would be another 20-30mins wait again. It's ok for someone who wants to go all the way to Seremban, but imagine waiting 20 + 20 + 20mins just to get to Midvalley; which is just 1 stop away?! And they wonder why the public prefers driving vs. public transport - isn't it obvious?

3) I saw a pregnant woman beside me & later cutting into my path of entry. She should be at least 6-mths pregnant & yet the ppl around her were not sensitive - probably from the fear of missing the train ride (ref to 2) - & the push continues... I was worried for her, so as much as possible I tried to be the shield to protect her, so tht she can enter without being crushed by the "mob".

4) I was holding on to a handle tht was installed on the side of the seat for standing passengers. When the train stopped at a particular station, there were a huge jostling as ppl tried to get out against the tide of ppl tht tried to cram in (they must have forgot their physics - for a certain mass to enter, the same quantity of mass needs to be dispersed... the infamous man in bath-tub will cause water equivalent to his mass to overflow... for 10ppl to get into a sardine packed train, 10ppl needs to get out! Jeezzz.....). Anyway, as a result, I was pushed against the seat with the handle rammed against my womb & practically turn my ovaries into crushed pulp! Worse, I can't even move to the seat tht was vacated right in front of me to reduce the pressure on my womb, because it was blocked by some kiasu intent on getting the seat. Hello!!! My poor ovaries needs a breather, just give me some space to ease the pressure first lar.... the kiasu can take the damn seat after tht lah!!! (Wonder what happens if the person is 2-3 mths pregnant! Tht poor babe would be "pushed" out prematurely)

I can continue, but why bother.... Best operator indeed... More trains plying the routes would help!

Farewell to my favourite Finance Director - a mentor

Last Friday was the company held farewell tea for our Finance Director. It's held at our theatrette only, but I guess it had to be done in-house because of the size of the crowd. Nevertheless, I think the organisers went over the norm for him, catering satays, roti jala, delicious choc cakes & cream puffs.

I remembered he was the one who guided my career path by steering me to move out of PD, either to Miri / KL. Naturally due to hubby's work location, it was finally decided for me to move to KL for further exposure.

I was surprised that about 1-2 years after the 1 & only mentoring session I had with him, he still remembered me & said "Hi Fern? So how do you find KL? Is your husband still in PD?"

Wow!! Who would have thought a guy who looks after thousands (ok... maybe not 1000, but hundreds?) of staff - remembers all the staff he meets! I found that everyone else commented the same - that he remembers them... Even the personal sharings they told him. Amazing...

Sadly he's leaving for Brunei as his 4-yrs assignment is over. Am sure many of us in MY will miss him.... :-)

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Busy Weekend : 23-24th May

Let's see.... what did we do tht was so busy...?

Morning :
- drive father-in-law to Pudu market. He needs to buy some stuff to prepare the "Bachang" (glutinous rice dumpling - sweet & savoury)

- sign S&P for our apartment in Bkt Jalil (The Zest)

Afternoon :
- "shop" for the best home loan for our apartment

- race over to Corus for the Clark's warehouse sale. By the time we got there, all the good stuff was naturally snapped away. So left in 10-15mins without any purchase (so sad....)

- to "nurse" my shopping-spree failure with Clark's, we went to Berjaya Times Square to hunt for the "Predator" figurine from the same shop I bought the "Aliens" figurine. We saw the latest "Predator" figurine in Midvalley last weekend but it costs RM560+! So we thought of checking if this shop sells cheaper. Sadly they didn't buy any stock. We found another shop that sells the exact same models, but the price is the same - RM560+.... We didn't buy lar.... Tempting, but our current home has no display case / space to display anyway. Next time lar... We tried going to watch a movie but nothing caught our fancy, so we ended up eating Japanese ice cream (it's really yummy - made of 100% fresh milk & 100% frozen fruit with no colouring, preservatives or sugar added), can't remember the name though.... It's a small shop / stall near the Cinema in Berjaya Times Square.

Evening :
- Help mother-in-law to "wrap" bachang. I said help lar... but I think massacred tht poor conical dumpling was more like it. It turned out more cubic than conical. My mother-in-law said "Never mind lar.... first time wrap is like that one lar... As long as the bachang don't unravel - good already". The minute she completed the sentence, the twine used to tie & knot the bachang snapped, & my carefully "crafted" & wrapped bachang disintegrated into a pile of raw glutinous rice & filling on top of some leaves... My mother-in-law must be thinking "This daughter-in-law ar.... hopeless case.... Juzz puji a bit only, the whole thing gone" :-p

Sunday :
Morning - Went to PJCC near NPE to visit a construction site of some commercial buildings... Doing some homework lar... Everyone will tell you the investment is great / good. But when involving RM1mln investment - cannot accept what people say only lor.... Must check-out the place...

Afternoon - Went to Midvalley for hubby's "hair-appointment". As usual, I window shop around MV & Gardens. Didn't buy anything though... phew....

Evening - Went back to PJCC, but this time via old Klang road instead of using the NPE. Went through many Malay kampung area & some existing commercial shop projects. The market price was around RM1mln as per this new project we're eyeing, but.... it was the same price 10-yrs ago & the price did not go up much! The rental was worse.... Maybe RM3-4k for the whole block if you're lucky.... We were not as bought in about the potential of the site after that, but hubby still wanted to survey it a bit more.... Sometimes, just being a few km away from the other sites can make a big difference in terms of investment returns. Anyhow, we both agreed that we need the expert - daddy, to look at it before we commit anything.

Night - It was the 1st / 15th of the Chinese calendar, I can't remember, so the family is having vegetarian dinner. Hubby being extreme carnivore & knowing tht his dad will also go out to "dabao" his own non-vege dinner, he decided to bring his dad & myself out for dinner at a local "big fry" (dai-chao).

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................. exhausted......

Friday, 15 May 2009

Book Review: It's in His Kiss by Julia Quinn

Goes to show tht my absence from blog writing was filled with reading mushy love stories.... Oh well.... this is the 2nd book of the set of 3 tht I bought of Julia Quinn.

This book is about the youngest of the 8 Bridgerton siblings - Hyacinth. I just found out from this book, tht the mum actually named her kids in alphabetical order. Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory & Hyacinth!

Aparently Hyacinth is quite a character... Speaks her mind with a directness tht scares the daylight of the men around her (except her brothers) & very smart but is not willing to play the foolish damsel tht other girls employ to snare men tht may be intimidated by their inteligence (if you ask me, if the men are intimidated by women's inteligence, then he's not worth pursuing).

In comes Gareth St Clair, who's has loads of his own problems & is charmed rather than intimidated by Hyacinth's wits & sharp tongue. He inherited a diary of his paternal grandmother, but it was written in Italian. He hoped tht the diary would unlock the mystery of his parentage (aparently his 'father' insists tht he's a result of his mother's affair with someone else - aha....). Hyacinth who knows a little Italian, volunteered to translate the diary for Gareth; which threw them into a bit of an adventure here & there.

Naturally, the relationship developed into love.... predictable, but an interesting & entertaining reading journey.

Book Review: When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn

It's my first time reading Julia Quinn's novel, but the Times was having this buy 3 for the price of 2 thing, so I bought 3 of her books all at once!

The first book I read was "When He Was Wicked" & I found out tht all her books chronicled the love lives of a family of 8 siblings - The Bridgerton. She has 7 books so far, so obviously we can expect the 8th for the 2nd youngest son of the family.

This book is about Francesca, the 6th child of the Bridgerton. She was married to an Earl (John)whom she loved dearly. She's also a very close friend of her husband's cousin - Michael (who's well-known for his "wicked" exploits with the female species). Michael is secretly in love with her too, but as John is as close as a brother to him, naturally Francesca is off limits.

John died suddenly - supposedly due to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain & left Francesca a widow at 22. Michael suddenly became the Earl, succeding his cousin, since John & Francesca were childless. Well, the foregone conclusion was, with John gone, he should be able to confess his love for Francesca....

Darn Michael's (& later Francesca's) conscience though... cos' he felt like he's "stolen" the title & wealth of his cousin (though for the life of me, I can't understand how he can be so egoistical as to think tht he - a mere human, can cause the death of his cousin by rupturing John's blood vessel. Tht would be like assuming God-like figure). He can't bear the thought tht he's "stealing" John's wife as well. When he finally managed to break free of his mental barrier & started pursuing her, it's Francesca's turn to have the guilt / conscience... :-)

Well, at the end they got together... Good light reading, but Judith McNaught is still a class above.

Book Review: Until You by Judith McNaught

I have always liked reading Judith McNaught books. Caveat to that - only her historical romance novels & not the contemporary ones.... God knows my life is already full of modern day problems.... I dun wanna know more modern women's complexities - especially when it's fictional. hehe... I know... I know... quite a hypocrite when I can accept Cecelia Ahern's problem riddled heroine... Well, maybe the truth is, I just don't like it as much as her historical romance.

Anyway, this one did not disappoint me either... The heroine is as usual feisty & courageous. The hero - dashing & quite a rake who knows all the tricks within & out of the bedroom... *wink* *wink*. The plot filled with twist & turns, rich with the culture / eccentrics of Regency England & you can bet having a few touching / heart rending moments that will make you weep / angry tht the hero is too dense to accept reason / listen to explanations & jump into their egoistical conclusions tht were most definitely wrong.

This book is abt a governess - Sherry, who's accompanying her charge fr US to UK to meet her fiancee. Along the way, her charge eloped with another passanger on board the ship & Shery was forced to explain to the fiancee waiting at the docks. What she didn't know was tht the man whom she thought was her charge's fiancee is actually another nobleman who accidentally killed the fiancee in a road accident (involving his horse-driven coach - not a car) & he was there to apologise for the unfortunate event. Before Sherry can say anything, the nobleman immediately told her abt the death of the fiancee. Out of shock, she stepped in the way of a crate being moved over-head & she suffered a blow on her head. She awoke with memory loss & the guilt-ridden nobleman (Stephen) assumed the role as her supposed "fiancee" to keep her from further suffering & to ensure her speedy recovery.

Along the way, naturally they fell in love & was preparing to get married...... but..... all hell broke lose when the real Cheryl Lancaster (the name of her charge) appeared & claim tht Sherry had cheated her of her title & status in society. That's when all the misunderstanding comes in, the hero & heroine faught, suffer, jump into conclusions tht made matters worse & finally as usual something / someone helped clear the air & they get back together to live happily ever after....

Adult fairy tale.... but I like.... :-)