Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Farewell to my favourite Finance Director - a mentor

Last Friday was the company held farewell tea for our Finance Director. It's held at our theatrette only, but I guess it had to be done in-house because of the size of the crowd. Nevertheless, I think the organisers went over the norm for him, catering satays, roti jala, delicious choc cakes & cream puffs.

I remembered he was the one who guided my career path by steering me to move out of PD, either to Miri / KL. Naturally due to hubby's work location, it was finally decided for me to move to KL for further exposure.

I was surprised that about 1-2 years after the 1 & only mentoring session I had with him, he still remembered me & said "Hi Fern? So how do you find KL? Is your husband still in PD?"

Wow!! Who would have thought a guy who looks after thousands (ok... maybe not 1000, but hundreds?) of staff - remembers all the staff he meets! I found that everyone else commented the same - that he remembers them... Even the personal sharings they told him. Amazing...

Sadly he's leaving for Brunei as his 4-yrs assignment is over. Am sure many of us in MY will miss him.... :-)

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