Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Bagan Pinang By Election

For those who follows politics, would have heard about the Bagan Pinang By Election. I know it's in PD, but I didn't know how close to home until last week after candidate nominations, bunting & posters being put up and stage being prepared for talks & rallies.

I just found out that the place tht hubby & I have been staying for the past 4-5 years is within the Bagan Pinang area! I always thought tht it's just Teluk Kemang / Mukim Si Rusa.

Anyway, the reason I wrote about this in my blog (which I usually try to avoid writing... I'll leave it to the experts to write all the facts / expose the lies out there) is because while having dinner at a local restaurant, we found tht there's a political talk held in a large empty bungalow land right next to the restaurant. It's organized by the DAP+PAS+Keadilan coalition party = Pakatan Rakyat. Just after we paid the bill for our dinner, we heard some commotion near the entrance to the gathering area.

We then saw a large group of people circling a van; effectively trapping it (& the passengers) with no room to escape. Out of curiosity, we walked towards the scene. After asking the by-standers, we found out tht it started with 2 staff of the MPPD pulling down the flags of DAP & even tearing some of the flags tht was taken down too. Naturally, the ppl supporting the Pakatan Rakyat were furious, so they blocked the escape route of the ppl involved & practically surrounded the van. Police had to "come to the rescue" & "negotiate".

The reason given for the act was also laughable. Apparently because the candidate is from PAS, no other party's flags can be displayed. Errr.... ok.... that's strange... I do know tht the candidate from BN is from UMNO (the infamous Isa), but I remember seeing flags being put up for MCA & Gerakan. Why weren't these flags taken down & "shredded" on site?! This is the double standard treatment tht the opposition / government (depending on which state they're in) is talking about. I'll not elaborate further on this as it was discussed at length in many other blogs.

My take on this is... quit with all this "sandiwara" cos' it looks like the more "drama" tht's put on show to "tell" the public tht the Pakatan Rakyat folks & their supporters are creating riots / disharmony has all seem to back-fire. The "kepala lembu" incident became a hot topic used against the current ruling party; not to mention the recent fiasco of a certain minister being bashed & had his neck in cast from some "scuffling" during nomination day. Now this...??? Some ppl just never learn...

1 comment:

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

You write very well. Your blog is good. Thanks for sharing.
All the very best,