Thursday 19 February 2009

Killing Me Softly.....

Strumming my pain with VPN....
Wringing my life with its sluggishness....
Killing me softly with Excel....
Killing me softly.....
With it's curse.....
Tearing my whole life....
With its pace...
Killing me softly...............
When it hangs.....

I felt all flushed with fever
All stressed up from the wait
I felt it sapped my spirits
& made me curse out loud....

I prayed tht it would start-up...
But it just kept right on.....

Strumming my pain with VPN.... Wringing my life with its sluggishness.... Killing me softly with Excel.... Killing me softly..... With it's curse.....
Tearing my whole life....
With its pace...
Killing me softly...............
When it hangs.....

Sigh.... crazy? I know... childish? sort of... but wht am I to do as I wait for my to retrieve my excel from the network? vent out lar... Not therapeautic, but who else can I vent to? My poor labrador (& a stuffed-toy 1 too)?

1 comment:

michelleho said...

I feel you!
But look on the bright side...
The internet and your blogger is working fine!
Always an outlet for frustration kan? Hehehe...