Wednesday 5 October 2011

Mid Week Rambles

It's one of those days when you thought things are going surprisingly smooth & that maybe... just maybe, you can go home early... and suddenly... WHAM... "disaster" strikes and you need to go on a frenzy to tie everything up before the day ends. Dateline is today (be it now / 12midnight, it doesn't matter - but today)

That day is today.

It's past 6pm and I'm still waiting for one person down the chain to get something completed before I can activate the next action to be completed by another person at the other end of the chain... At this rate, am not sure when I can get home! *sigh*

Strange that a few years back I wouldn't have complained & worked till midnight if I have to. The baby really changed me. Now I'm not sure if I can get back to my old self of putting all in for work & dateline...

But hey... I'm still doing it now, so I guess it's a given. The difference is the willingness (& the amount of grumbling at the background... :-p)

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