Monday 24 August 2009

Movie Review: Death Race

I know it's an old movie, but I missed it when it was aired on cinemas, so hubby & I bought the DVD to watch at home.

Not bad... I'm officially a fan of Jason Staton. The race in the movie is really cool & I love the ending.

The show is abt US in 2012, where the economy collapsed & unemployment rate increased to an all time high. The government, bankcrupt, had to corporatize the prisons into profit making establishment. That was how Death Race was born. Not only the prisoners had to race, their race cars are also equiped with machine guns, bombs, smoke, oil etc to shoot down their opponents (now you know why it's called Death Race - it's racing, cheating death & cross the finish line! literally).

These races (in 3 stages) is then sold live on the internet for a fee (like Astro On Demand like tht lar)...

Good show & it's not all about races. Am not going to tell more abt the extras... find out yourself (if you've not watched it). Warning: It can be very violent though.

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