Tuesday 4 August 2009

I am a Cactus No More - errrr Attempting....

I got a firm message the other day to drink lotsa water because my body is having like 20/30% less water than a normal person should have. I was so used to being a cactus, suddenly asking me to drink more than 2L/day vs my normal 2 mugs is making me dizzy at first. I'm not talking about drinks... Drinks I have aplenty. Teh tarik, barley, herbal tea, ice lemon tea, lemonade etc... But what I'm still short of is pure water (H2O) without the "additives".

The first amazing discovery since forcing myself to gorge abt 2L of water/day (though admittedly some days I only managed 1++L) for the last 1 week, was that I get to sleep better. No more waking up 3-5times a night to go to the toilet. I now go to the toilet max 2 times a night (sometimes even less). However, during the day when I drink so much water, I was peeing every other hour lar...

As a result of that, towards the end of the week, I was more refreshed, probably from the uninterupted sleep (or maybe because it's nearing the weekend & I naturally start to perk up).

So far, the results looks good.... Let's see what other improvement it can bring... I was told it should help me lose weight... dunno if tht is true, but it's sure a cheap way of doing it.... not to mention safe.... :-)

So.... with all the drinking I need to do lately, it's no wonder I dun have time to update my blog..... ;-) (excuses..... :-p)

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